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Notice Inviting Tenders For Purchase of Equipment For EDII-ABIRF    Click here to Download the Scholarship Application   BC_MBC_DNC Scholarship Renewal 2023-24    The website is currently under construction. Please contact the administrator for further assistance.    First Year Class Commences from 04/09/2024


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University College of Engineering
Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus
Anna University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024.

University College of Engineering
Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus
Anna University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024.

Physical Education

Department of Physical Education

Vision & Mission

To strive for excellence in the promotion of sports and games for the holistic development of the students. The department is committed to promote Sports and Games in the campus striving to make students physically fit and enrich interpersonal skills besides advocating emotional and spiritual quotient as a part of the students personality development program.


The Department of Physical Education was established in the year 2007. The Department is equipped with good infrastructure facilities and even in a short span of time the students were given training in most of the sports and Games which led to remarkable achievements by our students in Zonal, Inter-Zonal, District, State and National level Sports and Games.

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