Important News

Notice Inviting Tenders For Purchase of Equipment For EDII-ABIRF    Click here to Download the Scholarship Application   BC_MBC_DNC Scholarship Renewal 2023-24    The website is currently under construction. Please contact the administrator for further assistance.    First Year Class Commences from 04/09/2024


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University College of Engineering
Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus
Anna University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024.

University College of Engineering
Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus
Anna University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024.



Ragging Is Totally Prohibited In Bit Campus

Ragging means display of noisy, disorderly conduct, doing any act which causes or is likely to cause physical or physiological harm or raise apprehension or fear or shame or Embarrassment to a student in any educational institution.

Thus ragging includes

Teasing, abusing or playing practical jokes on, or causing hurt to a student or Asking the students to do any act or perform something which a student Will not carry out in the ordinary course, willingly

Punishment Includes

Hence students, particularly the seniors, are requested to refrain from any such criminal act. Juniors are requested to report about any ragging activity to the officials Immediately without any fear.

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