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University College of Engineering
Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus
Anna University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024.

University College of Engineering
Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus
Anna University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024.

Information Technology

Department of Information Technology


To produce responsible Information Technology professionals equipped with skills and strong moral values making them the preferred source for services and manpower in leading organizations.


To provide competent instruction geared towards excellent education in all Information technology related fields.
Emphasis on imparting newer technologies through education and training.
To prepare graduates for pursuing their career in industry, government or pursue higher education and research.

Course Offered


The Department of Information Technology was started functioning in the year 1999, under School of Engineering & Technology, by Bharathidasan University and offered 4 years B.Tech Programme in Information Technology with an annual intake of 60 students. Later in 2006-2007, B.E Programme in Computer Science and Engineering was added with the same intake, and the Department was renamed as Department of Computer Science and Engineering in 2007. It also offered two P.G courses in Software Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering from 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 with an annual intake of 25 in each programme, under self-financing mode.

This institute has been converted to a technical university, Anna University, Trichy in 2007 and the annual intake of the U.G courses were doubled to 120 in order to cater the needs of the rural mass. The present AICTE approved annual intake of B.E (CSE) & B.Tech (IT) courses is 120 besides lateral entry for Diploma in engineering students. In 2012-13, another PG course M.E (Mobile and Pervasive Computing Technology) is offered in this department with an intake of 25 students. The students of this department excel in University examinations and brought laurels to the department. For instance, during 2012-13, six students of B.E (CSE), bagged University ranks among the top 50 and 14 students of B.Tech (IT) have obtained University ranks in top 50.During 2013-2014 passed out students.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering has a vision to make the students as world class technocrats in leading edge information technologies with practical skills to create innovative information systems. To achieve this vision, the Department has one professor, and 28 Assistant/Associate Professors and 11 number of Visiting Faculty/Teaching Fellow on contract basis, at present. All these faculties are well qualified with minimum post-graduation and 6 of them have obtained Doctoral degrees and 11 numbers of Faculties are pursuing the Doctoral Programmes. Besides teaching UG and PG courses, good number of students is enrolled for their research programs either in fulltime or part-time mode. The area of research works undertaken in the Department includes, Image Processing, Text Mining, Theory of Computation, Data Mining and Warehouse, Wireless Sensor Network and Network Security. The Faculty members of this Department are also involved in getting grants from different organizations for R&D activities. So for, 3 sponsored projects were undertaken with a total sponsorship of Rs.48.93 lakhs from University Grants Commission (Major Research Project), All India Council for Technical Education (MODROB scheme) and Ministry of Information Technology (Research Project).

Our Faculty members are also engaged/ invited to be Expert members in UGC, AICTE, UPSC etc., besides offering invited/special tasks in other Institutions. Our faculty members contribute to the Noble cause of academic by being Expert members in Board of Studies, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology and Academic Council in different Universities and autonomous institutions. Faculty members are actively engaged in professional society activities as members in IEEE, ACM, IE, CSI, ISTE and ORSI. 24 faculty members of this dept have published their research finding in terms of National, International Journals and Conferences. In total, 80 articles have been published in journals and 46 in conferences besides authoring 8 books on computer subjects. To support the Faculty in laboratory teaching, 10 well qualified Technical staffs are available at present in the Department.

To focus on Practical and activity oriented learning, the Department has 4 laboratories for U.G courses and 2 for P.G courses besides Research and Development lab. These Laboratories are well equipped with necessary hardware and software components. In total, 543 numbers of computing system with 6 servers are available in these laboratories. These laboratories are well connected with uninterrupted power supply, 4 number of scanners, 10 number of printers and 6 number of passive network components. In order to nuture research works, faculty members and scholars are provided with two laboratories sponsored by funding agencies. To cater the internet activities of the college, a separate lab with 4 servers are available. The entire college is well connected with fiber optics and has the internet bandwidth of 12Mbps. All the UG students are provided with Free Laptops by Govt. of Tamilnadu, as enforced from time to time.

The alumni of this Department are working in many multi-national companies and good number of students pursues higher studies in leading Institutions either in India or abroad. The alumni meets once or twice every year and contribute to the department by giving special talks, organizing Industry Visits, arranging for Placements and donating books to the juniors. The Department has a separate Industry-Institute Interaction cell and this cell organizers frequently special lecture for the benefit of students and staff, on recent advances, current trends and technologies. As a result, this cell is in its final stage of establishing M.O.U with CISCO, CDAC etc., besides existing MOU with ICT academy. During 2013-2014 IT Department has procured Microsoft Dream Spark academic alliance to get all range of Microsoft Products, Oracle academic alliance to get legal all range oracle software of Microsoft Products, IBM software engineering for educational development SEED programme that includes 1 set of Rational software architecture and Rational suit Enterprise to our BIT Campus faculty members and students to our BIT Campus faculty members and students for laboratory teaching at no cost. During 2013-2014 IT Department has purchased equipments costing approximately around 77 lakhs and because of TEQIP laboratory infrastructure is enhanced.

The Department conducts every year good number of conferences, workshops and seminars for the benefit of students and faculty members. It is worth to mention that a conference titled "Image Computing, Object and Mining (I COM)" is conducted every year and this event is sponsored by council for Scientific Research (CSIR), New Delhi. Many TEQIP II sponsored workshops, seminars, conferences are organized and conducted by the IT Department and some PG students are benefitted by the TEQIP fund allotted to them.

Besides regular teaching on academic courses, students are provided with hands on training soft skills, so as to help the students in their placements activities. The entrepreneurship cell is also constantly organizing seminars on self-employment. The students of this Department are also encouraged to participate in conferences/ workshop/ training in and visit to industry in other places. Good numbers of students are benefited out of Industry Internship programme every year.

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