Petrochemical Technology
Department of Petrochemical Technology [NBA Accredited]
To be a Department of Excellence in the field of Petrochemical Technology.
To craft the students as potential technologists endowed with pragmatic skills.
To produce competent engineers to identify the emerging industrial, societal needs and address the same through innovative and eco-friendly solutions.
To fulfil the aspirations and expectations of the future generation by designing suitable academic, research and extension programmes.
To produce competent engineers to identify the emerging industrial, societal needs and address the same through innovative and eco-friendly solutions.
To fulfil the aspirations and expectations of the future generation by designing suitable academic, research and extension programmes.
Course Offered
- B.Tech. Petrochemical Technology
- M.Tech Chemical Engineering
- M.S/Ph.D
The Department of Petrochemical Technology, University College of Engineering, BIT Campus, Tiruchirappalli is a Constituent College of Anna University, Chennai was established in the year 1999 as one of the specialized Departments of the School of Engineering and Technology, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli with a view to impart quality technical education.
The curriculum is drafted to ensure an optimal blend of relevant theoretical and practical aspects. The curriculum and syllabi of the programme is being continuously upgraded and revised to fulfill the requirements of the industries. The regular lectures are delivered by using state of the art visual communication aids.
Ever since its inception, the department provides a technically sound environment for the students to hone their skills in the field of Chemical, Petrochemical, Energy, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Process Control and Environmental Engineering areas. Regular invited lectures are given by distinguished academicians, scientist and experts from industries and R & D institutions to improve the student’s skills in the state-of-the-art technologies. Regular in-house seminar and workshops are organized to update their views on the current topics of interest. The department has excellent infrastructure to keep the students abreast of the latest developments.

The Department offers B.Tech in Petrochemical Technology since 1999, offered M.Tech in energy conservation and management from academic year 2009 -10 to 2012 – 13 and offering M.S/ Doctoral programme in Chemical, Energy and Environmental areas since 2009. Currently two teaching staff members of the department and 14 research scholars are pursuing their Ph.Ds and eleven Ph.Ds have been awarded till 2017. One Scholar is working on SERB sponsored National Post Doctoral Fellowship. From academic year 2013-14, the M.Tech programme was renamed as M.E in Energy Engineering and transferred to Faculty of Mechanical Engineering as per the directions of the Director, Academic Courses, Anna University Chennai letter No: 377/AU/CAC/2013 dated 18.01.2013 to maintain uniformity in programme. The Department has received DST, DBT, UGC and TEQIP funded projects for Rs.73 lakhs. The Department has generated consultancy funds for the worth of Rs. 45.7 Lakhs from industries like Sandoz, city corporation etc…
Our graduates are placed in reputed industries like Shell international, IOCL, L & T, ONGC, MRPL, FACT, Kothari Petrochemicals, CPCL, ESSAR Oil & Gas, Transocean, Reliance Industries, Nagarjuna Oil Corporation, Southern petrochemicals Industries Ltd.,(SPIC), Tamilnadu Petro Products Ltd., (TPL), Shinsung Petrochemicals Ltd., Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd, Ranipet, Asian Paints, NEROLAC Paints, BIOCON, Wipro Technologies, Sanmar group of companies, United Cooling Systems Ltd, Coimbatore, Madras Fertilizers Ltd., etc., and some of our alumni are pursuing higher studies in reputed institutes in India and abroad. Few of our alumni are successful entrepreneurs.