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University College of Engineering
Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus
Anna University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024.

University College of Engineering
Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus
Anna University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024.

Patent Details

Patents Details

Sl. No.Title of the PatentInventorsReference NumberPatent OrganizationStatus
1A Bat source string succored Serrated H - Bridge Symmetrical MLI for solar PV Grid IntegrationStalin.N et al2021104665 dated 28.07.2021AustraliaPatent Granted
2 Inventive optimization tactics to diminish harmonic distortion in component count waned normally bypassed cascaded sources multilevel inverterStalin.N et al2021101990 dated 16.04.2021AustraliaPatent Granted
3 System and Method for Fuzzy-Based Control and Measurement of Temperature and Humidity for GreenhouseK. Kumaraguru et al2021100311 dated 19.01.2021AustraliaPatent Granted
4 Internet of Things based Smart Water Testing Drone System for Sewage Testing ProcessK. Kumaraguru et al202041054166 A dated 18.12.2020IndiaPatent Applied
5 Design of component count reduced dual-mode segmented ladder-structured multilevel inverterK. Kumaraguru et al202041043814 dated 08.10.2020IndiaPatent Applied
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