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University College of Engineering
Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus
Anna University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024.

University College of Engineering
Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus
Anna University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024.

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Recent Sponsored research project

Sponsored Projects & Industrial Consultancy

Sl No.Name of the StaffTitle of the ProjectFunding AgencyAmount SanctionedStatus (On-going/Completed)
1Dr.K.Ruckmani.,Prof and Head, Dept of PharmaTech, AUTNanocomplexes for the Targeted Drug Delivery to the Inflamed Site of LungsDST, New Delhi.Rs.3214400.00(2009-12)Completed
2Dr.K.Ruckmani.,Prof and Head, Dept of PharmaTech, AUTNational facility for drug development for academia, pharmaceutical and allied industriesDST, New Delhi.Rs.60000000.00On-going
3Dr.K.Ruckmani.,Prof and Head, Dept of PharmaTech, AUTIsolation Characterization and formulation studies of Gums obtained from Albizia stipulate and Prunus Cerasoides of MizoramDBT, New DelhiRs.2940000.00On-going
4Dr .N Subramanian, Asst Prof., Dept of PharmaTech,AUTDevelopment, characterization and biological evaluation of microemulsion and lipid dispersion for drug delivery and detoxificationDST, New Delhi.Rs.2077000.00(2008-11)Completed
5Dr .N Subramanian, Asst Prof., Dept of PharmaTech,AUTDevelopment of Biodegradable Temperature and pH Responsive Hybrid Polymer-Peptide System for Efficient Intraocular Delivery of DrugDBT, New DelhiRs. 5845000.00 On-going
6Dr .N Subramanian, Asst Prof., Dept of PharmaTech,AUTTargeted Delivery of Camptothecin Using Polymer Stabilized Nanoemulsions for Improved Treatment of Breast CancerDST New DelhiRs.2558000.00 On-going
7Dr A. Puratchikody, Asst Prof., Dept of Pharma Tech, AUTDesign, Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel COX – 2 Inhibitors of Dibromotyrosine Derivatives as Anti- inflammatory DrugsDST New DelhiRs.3042000.00 On-going
8Dr. S. Latha, Asst Prof., Dept of Pharma Tech, AUTDesign, Construction of Fe-drug nano complex loaded nano / micro bullets using a novel hybrid Technology for magnetic targeted therapy and its comparative with special emphasis on rheumatoid arthritisDRDO New DelhiRs.1209880.00(2009-12)Completed
9Dr. P. Selvamani, Asst. Prof., Dept of Pharma Tech, AUTSystematic exploration and pharmacological appraisal of active botanical ingredient (fraction) isolated from herbs as possible adjunct / alternate therapeutic aid for dementia associated with Alzheimer’s diseaseDST New DelhiRs.2685000.00On-going
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