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Notice Inviting Tenders For Purchase of Equipment For EDII-ABIRF    Click here to Download the Scholarship Application   BC_MBC_DNC Scholarship Renewal 2023-24    The website is currently under construction. Please contact the administrator for further assistance.    First Year Class Commences from 04/09/2024


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University College of Engineering
Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus
Anna University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024.

University College of Engineering
Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus
Anna University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024.

Sponsored Projects

Department of Bio-Technology Sponsored Projects

SNoName of the FacultyTitle of the ProjectFunding AgencyAmount Sanctioned
(in Rupees)
1PI: Dr. P. Rajaguru Co-PI: Dr.N.SubramanianDesigning minicircle vector for tumor specific co-expression of shRNAs and transgene for improved cancer gene therapyDST-SERB48,84,100Sanctioned
2PI: Dr. P. Rajaguru Co-PI: Dr.V.Pugalenthi Dr.S.GeethaFluoescent protein-receptor based assay to measure toxicity of nanomaterials,DST-Nano Mission75,78,000Sanctioned
3Dr. S. John VenisonDevelopment of a recombinant NS1 antigen based diagnostic kit for the early detection of dengue virus infectionDST-SERB42,45,000Ongoing
4Dr. S. John VenisonRecombinant antigens as a tool for analyzing antibody response among dengue patients to understand the pathology and pathanogenisisICMR25,84,000Ongoing
5PI:Dr. S. GeethaGreen synthesis of gold nanoparticle using algal species and evaluation of its anticancer activityCTDT, AU, Chennai50,000Ongoing
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